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Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh – Best Yoga in India
Do you have the inner urge to take your yogic skills beyond the asanas to a whole new level? Are you determined to master the know how and the tradition

Best Yoga Teacher Training – For successful Yoga Teacher and healthy life
Sometimes you need to break from your busy and restless life and society taking a vacation or a trip. And it will be an ideal decision if you will spend

How to Maintain Your Yoga Practice While Traveling
Journeys are necessary and offer a life-changing experience. It is an opportunity to get some relief from daily lifestyle for some days to any place. IT is truly rejuvenating as

Did you know that more than 300 million people practice yoga regularly? Yoga is an ancient philosophy, an art, and a science that aims to unite the body, breath, mind,
Easy Anti-Ageing Tips Every Beauty Addict Should Know
Staying young is something that many people want and strive for. However, most of these people will be going about it the wrong way. They will be relying heavily on
Improve Your Night Routines – Top Tips for Sleeping Better
One sleepless night is usually only followed by a day of feeling out of sorts. As an odd occurrence, it’s probably bearable. However, poor sleeping routines and long term insomnia

Learn About Iyengar Yoga: Poses, Asanas & Sequences
Iyengar yoga is a type of yoga that was developed by B.K.S Iyengar – and also named after him. He was one of the people who was partly responsible for

Why Doing Yoga Everyday Can Help You with Everything
If you’ve been feeling a bit down recently and are in need of a mood boost, it can be easy to veer towards those vices which might not necessarily be

Tantra Festival Bali – 200 Hour Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Bali
200 hour tantra yoga teacher training Bali festivals have exploded in popularity over the last few years, with a massive number of gatherings popping up in tantra retreats Bali centres

Move from Beginner to Intermediate & Advanced in Yoga
If you can do every pose in a yoga class effortlessly, you’re in the wrong class. While it’s important to be content with where you’re at, it’s just as important

Invigorating Mindful Heart Flow Style Classes
CLASS DESCRIPTIONS INVIGORATING MINDFUL HEART FLOW STYLE CLASSES Level 1 A great class for the beginner looking to move onto the next level. Class is moderately paced and will include

Warrior Pose | How to do Virabhadrasana | Yoga Benefits
Virabhadra Yoga Asana How you all been feeling lately? All well! Expecting something new? Yeah, there we go ! Virabhadra asana or warrior pose is a group of related lunging

Power Vinyasa Yoga Flow Bootcamp: Strengthen & Sweat
Power Yoga to Feel Free and Strong! When you consider all of the benefits yoga offers to you each time you step onto the mat, do you list freedom in

Is Yoga Teacher Training Course Good for You?
Is Yoga Teacher Training Course Good for You? Yoga comes in many forms, from Restorative to Ashtanga and everything in-between. But is Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh good for

Best 200 Hour Tantra Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
Are you prepared to explore a comprehensive research to deepen your yoga practice radically? Whether you’re relatively new to the practice or are an experienced 200 hour tantra yoga teacher

Yoga As Medicine The Art and Science of Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy is working on yoga as a medicine. The practice of yoga is a multi fold path with many limbs or tools. A yoga therapy should include: meditation, breathing

Yoga Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
In modern life, people are often working on laptops and using smartphones. Because of this, there can be a lack of rest for your hands. This often leads to the

How to be Authentic on Social Media as a Yoga Teacher
With technology on the rise, getting connected to anyone is quite easy. There are various medium to stay in touch with your loved ones. Social media is one of those

Best Ways to Stay Inspired On and Off the Mat
It’s easy to fall into the habit of always taking the same yoga classes and teachers, walking or running the same routes. Suddenly, you find yourself uninspired and unmotivated in

Best Ways to Find Inspiration When You’re Feeling Down
When you’re suffering from a low mood, anxiety or depression, you can get stuck in a rut and you just can’t get out of it. You might have a to-do

Yoga Asana and Postural Sequence
There are many yoga asanas to tone your body and to control your mind, but the sole aim of yoga asanas is to bring a healthy lifestyle to everyone. There