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Best 200 Hour Tantra Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
Are you prepared to explore a comprehensive research to deepen your yoga practice radically? Whether you’re relatively new to the practice or are an experienced 200 hour tantra yoga teacher
Yoga As Medicine The Art and Science of Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy is working on yoga as a medicine. The practice of yoga is a multi fold path with many limbs or tools. A yoga therapy should include: meditation, breathing
Yoga Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
In modern life, people are often working on laptops and using smartphones. Because of this, there can be a lack of rest for your hands. This often leads to the
How to be Authentic on Social Media as a Yoga Teacher
With technology on the rise, getting connected to anyone is quite easy. There are various medium to stay in touch with your loved ones. Social media is one of those
Best Ways to Stay Inspired On and Off the Mat
It’s easy to fall into the habit of always taking the same yoga classes and teachers, walking or running the same routes. Suddenly, you find yourself uninspired and unmotivated in
Best Ways to Find Inspiration When You’re Feeling Down
When you’re suffering from a low mood, anxiety or depression, you can get stuck in a rut and you just can’t get out of it. You might have a to-do
Yoga Asana and Postural Sequence
There are many yoga asanas to tone your body and to control your mind, but the sole aim of yoga asanas is to bring a healthy lifestyle to everyone. There
How important is a Yoga Alliance certification?
Yoga Alliance is a US-based international governing body that is responsible for governing yoga schools and instructors. It is one of the largest non-profitable organizations representing the yoga community throughout
Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Your Balance
It frequently goes undetected just how much we are depended on our thighs. Almost everything we do, involve a substantial job of your thighs and your toes. Well, after all
Tantra Yoga Retreats in Bali
Now it is over and you’ve graduated out of it, you intend to take your yoga courses to another level. That is when you need to think about a tantra
What are the benefits of Bound Angle Pose?
Know about benefits of the bound angle pose …. Yessssss.. ..you heard that right …..we here giving you the best benefits of bound angle pose right before you! Benefits of
Meditation Techniques and Hatha Yoga Benefits
The modern, contemporary world is a home to confused minds and souls. The rush of surviving, meeting the bare minimum is so high that we forget that life is meant
How to do Bound Angle Pose?
Bound angle pose, Baddha Konasana, Throne Pose, Butterfly Pose or Cobbler’s Pose is a seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. It is also suitable as a
How to do Mermaid Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)?
One Legged King Pigeon Pose/Mermaid Pose/Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. Step by Step Instructions to perform Mermaid Pose. Step 1 Begin this yoga pose by downward dog pose. Place your wrists directly under
How To Increase Body Balance While Dancing?
Dance is the most natural form of expressing happiness. When we are happy, we either jump or dance in the most subconscious state, we are not able to help our
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
Rishikesh, the spiritual capital of India, is one of the best places for the people who are looking for mental peace. The eternal city of Uttrakhand is the next travel
Best Reasons to Get Your Children into Yoga
Even though we spend the vast majority of our childhood learning in formal education settings, there are so many useful life lessons and skills that our schools fail to teach
Yoga in Rishikesh
Awaken the spirituality in you and unleash your hidden calibre with an enlightening yoga in Rishikesh India. Whether you aim to become a professional in this field or just delve into
Ten Poses/Asanas for Extreme Weight Loss
The best natural 10 yoga Poses/Asanas for Extreme Weight Loss. The one’s fighting with obesity, excess weight, large belly fat have the huge availability of these yoga poses. Doing these
Health Benefits of Daily Yoga Practice
As the contemporary land has been shifting towards an increasingly digital, tech-savvy, modernist environment, the time has become almost a lost element for humans. We are always rushing in our
Blood Pressure can be cured by these?
These are the best 3 Poses to Help Cure Blood Pressure. Blood Pressure is common nowadays even the children are fighting with such kinda harmful disease. The poses’ effects are